Monday, 13 February 2012

Farm Fare #4: Start Your Engines!

When I tell you my big news, I know you're all gonna laugh at me!

In my frustration to get the driveway organised, I asked Vaughan if he would start the weedeater for me so I could get it done.

He decided that he had a better idea...he would teach me how to start the damn thing.  I did try to explain to him that there would be no point - I had tried before and I just didn't have the knack of pulling that cord thingy quickly enough to bring the engine roaring to life.

But no...Vaughan insisted.  And when Vaughan wants to teach you something, he likes to do it thoroughly, which usually means I run out of patience and have a hissy fit!!

I had a little chat to myself, told me to shut my mouth, listen and do as I was told.  And what do you know?  I DID IT!!  (twice actually).

Before I got too pigheaded about it, Vaughan thought it might be a good idea about how to start the lawn mower too!!  I got that one sorted and proceeded to attack the driveway and turning bay.  Not bad eh?  The only problem is.....I think I'm expected to mow all the lawns now!  (How did he sneak that into my year off unwritten contract?)  I think I've been conned!!

So when V decided he wanted to show me how to use the chainsaw yesterday, I decided then and there that some things are boys toys and only they should play with them.  Come on people...imagine the damage I would do with a chainsaw.....!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to comment on this aunty! This is soooooooo FUNNY!!!!!! I love it!!