Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Crafty Crease #16: Tissue Pom Poms

I would love to say that this idea was an original of mine, its not.  In fact, I found it while perusing through Martha Stewarts cool craft site - a highly recommend a visit to any crafter who hasn't discovered her yet.

These pompoms look amazing, and although they are pretty straightforward to make, they are incredibly fiddly.  My first two attempts left me frustrated with a pile of ripped tissue paper scattered all around me.  I abandoned the idea for quite some time before I had the courage to try again - this time with success.

I must have forgotten how tricky these buggers can be when I decided to make some as part of the recent decorations me and my BFF Steph were helping with.

It took me another go to remind myself how I did it last time and all the little tricks you need to remember to do it.

However, don't be put off giving it a go.  These pompoms are absolutely fantastic and you will be in awe of yourself when you complete them.

Heres what you need:

  • 8-10 sheets of tissue (the bigger the rectangle means a bigger pompom)
  • scissors
  • wire or stapler
  • ribbon, wool, string to hang with

Step 1: stack all sheets together and fold up in a concertina method (about 2 cm for each fold)

Step 2: Fold in half to get an indication of where the middle is and secure the folds at the middle with either a staple or wire.  Add a long piece of ribbon or string to the middle.  I didn't do this in this example and it makes it a lot harder to add on later.
Step 3: Cut the ends to make a rounded corner

Step 4: Spread the folds out from the centre on each side.
Step 5: Work one page at a time, first the left then the right.

Step 6: Carefully and gently push and pull each page up
Step 6: With the first page, push and pull up to the centre as much as possible.  However, do not do this for the rest of the pages for this half.   After that, just push and pull until you meet good resistance.  This is crucial for the overall round shape.  If you push pull too much toward the centre for every page you will end up with an oblong shaped ball.

       Step 7: After 5 pages the first side is done.                              Step 8: Flip over and repeat as for first side

Step 9: Fluff and play with the pages until you get the overall effect that you want.  Hang.

Example from the actual party decorating we were recently involved in - there are 6 in all.

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