Tuesday 28 February 2012

Farm Fare #5: All Cooped Up

My beloved husband's mind ticks over far too much.  He has a multitude of visionary ideas and projects stored up in that clever brain of his and sometimes they spill over into reality.

Now anyone who knows Vaughan well enough knows what he's like and he certainly knows how to stir up a discussion.  He makes the road to self sufficiency sound oh so easy.

At the moment, he's all about pigs and chickens.  He reads and searches for the perfect breeds for rearing and eating!  Our chicken population tripled this month with the arrival of our 14 chicks.  They are now officially what I call "mini" chickens.  They have their proper feathers now and do all the things that the other chickens do, except lay eggs - that doesn't start to happen till they are approximately 6-8 months old.  We still haven't worked out which are hens or roosters but I guess we'll find out soon!!

Recently Vaughan acquired an egg incubator.  This machine can incubate 60 eggs at a time - you can imagine my reaction to that!!  But, broody hens can be very unreliable and not sit on their eggs for the entire time - very frustrating.  Having the incubator gives us a back up.  My worry though is what the hell do I do with hatched chicks.  Lord help Vaughan if he expects me to teach the chicks to scratch and peck!!

Dorking Hen: Looks and tastes sweet apparently
Anyway, Vaughan wants to have 2 chicken coops.  One for egg production and one for meat.  The chickens being bred for meat will have a new home in the altered orchard area.  Apparently, he is going to breed a cross between a Indian Game, for its big size, and the Dorking, for its lovely taste apparently.
Indian Game: Look at those chunky thighs! 
Barred Rock: Just because they look so cool!

So now we have a dozen fertilized eggs, of the Indian Game variety, under our broody Barnevelder.  She is due about the 12th of March.  And we have 7 Dorking, with a couple of Barred Rocks, under another broody Brown Shaver.  Hopefully these will arrive successfully around the 18th of March!!

If all these eggs hatch, we will have a whopping 46 chickens!!  Lord help me, I think we've lost our minds!

Crafty Crease #10: VTS 3 - Notebook

Well, here we are finally, at the last post for this particular series, the vintage teacher stationery notebook.
The equipment list:
  • Kraft Manilla Folder (foolscap not A4)
  • Pattern paper of own choosing
  • Quality gluestick
  • 2 x notepads  ($2 for a pack of 5 usually from the $2 shop)
  • Extra sticky double sided tape (red)
  • Normal Double sided tape
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • Scissors
  • Items to decorate


Step 1: Cut folder in half.  I used the right side.  Save the other for another notebook later.

Step 2: Fold in half
Step 3: Rub glue liberally over both halves

Step 4: Fold over to stick both sides together.  Use a bone folder to "squeegee" out air bubbles.  Wipe away excess glue from edges with a damp cloth.
Step 6: Along the short side mark out a line at
8.5cm & 9.5 cm
Step 5:  Along the longest side, mark out a 20.5cm line.
Cut any excess off after this line.
Step 7: Use a bone folder to press
along the marked lines to create
notebook frame.

Step 8: From the patterned paper cut out a  20 cm x 7.5 cm rectangle.
Mark a line at 2cm and cut as shown above.
If you do not wish to have a split line showing, then cut your patterned paper
in a 20 cm x 8 cm rectangle.  

Step 9: Use large corner rounder to round off the top right corner of the kraft
notebook frame (front & back).   Round of the top left corner of the largest patterned piece.  Tape the pattern paper to the framework leaving a noticeable split line.

Step 10a: Embellish.  I have a 2' scalloped circle and a 1.5' plain circle
which has been stamped.
Step 10b: This is how I add ribbon.  I use the red tape to make sure
it all sticks down really well.
Step 11: Place embellishment on front of notebook as desired.

Step 12: Adding the notepads.  I use 2 notepads at a time so that the book sits together well.
Again, I use red tape here.  Put two strips on the back of the pads.
Carefully press notepads into place.

There you have it...the final product.  The double folded card and a layer of glue really give this notebook durable and strong, perfect for writing in.

Now I am working on how to include a holder for a pen or pencil!

Monday 27 February 2012

Crafty Crease #9: Crafty Nieces

This weekend, we had the pleasure of having three of our lovely nieces to stay.  While they were here, trying to keep their lovely Uncle in check, we managed to get a bit of crafting done.

It didn't take them too long, with amazing results.  They are just about to move house so they all used colours that would compliment their new rooms.

I got the wooden words from the good ole 'Spotlight' store.  I think I paid about $7 each for them and they have a variety of common words to choose from.

When choosing colours to paint them, the world's your oyster really.  We got sample paint pots that were 2-3 shades lighter than the girls bedroom wall.  Each sample cost about $5.  Its about the same price as the Kaisercolour craft paint but you get at least 3 times as much paint.  Not only that, the color range is phenomenal!

Luckily, I got the small 4" canvases from Spotlight too.  These came in a pack of 9 for about $21.  At $2.30 each, thats definitely a good deal.

Because the paint was designed for interior walls, it was of excellent quality and both projects only needed 2 coats.  The paint comes in 250ml pots - we barely made a dent in them, so the paint is going to go a long way!!

You did an awesome job girls, I love doing crafty stuff with you!  A big thank you for the wonderful birthday breakfast and for keeping Uncle Vaughan in line.  We love you heaps and we can't wait to see your new home when you've moved in.

Birthday Brag: Happy Birthday to Me!

Yesterday was my birthday.  It was a relatively quiet event as such but it was pretty much perfect.  My beloved husband spoilt me rotten as always and I can't wait for my new craft toy to arrive in a couple of weeks time!  With calls and visits from friends and family, one could not help but feel so special and loved.

When you look at these pictures my nieces made, you will understand why....

Thank you my darling nieces......I had an awesome birthday!

Friday 24 February 2012

Crafty Crease #8: VTS 2 - Altered Clipboard

So much for getting the VTS series done in just a few days!  I have been visiting friends and working on other projects that had a more urgent deadline - I promise you'll get to see them soon.

Anyway on to the next project.....The Altered Clipboard.

On first appearance this may seem a simple activity, but it has this tricky bit to get around and I hope that I have included enough instructions and photos to make it easier to understand.  Email me please if you don't get what I'm referring to.

Before we start the tutorial I wanted to share with you the supplies I am using.

There are a few multi mediums out there to choose from.  Modge Podge is probably the most commonly known type, particularly in scrapbooking.

However, I choose the Claudine Hellmuth Studio brand simply because its generally a little bit cheaper (I think I paid $11 for this pottle.

Like paint, it comes in a variety of finishes (I prefer matte) and even colours.

This is the card stock paper stack that I am using for this series.  I have used it a lot in other projects too.  There are 4 sets in the series and they are all beautiful.  Warehouse Stationery stock them and they usually retail them for $30 each.  However, I have managed to get them on special for $20 (just yesterday).  They seem to have them on sale quite often, as I have never paid full price for them.

Other Minds Eye Paper Stacks found at Warehouse Stationery......

Anyway, lets get down to business...... THE ALTERED CLIPBOARD!

I get my clipboards from the $2 dollar shop.  However,  I have found that although they all look the same they are often different lengths from shop to shop...so watch out for that.  This particular clipboard is a mini version.

After choosing your paper, use the board as a template on the wrong side.

Cut it out following just inside of the line.

Hold open the clip and use string, or something similarly strong, to hold the clip open so that you can get access to the clip plate

Line up your paper, right side up, to the clip plate.  Make sure that your paper is covering all of the rest of the board and is centered vertically.

Use a pencil to mark as indicated in the picture.

Now for the tricky bit....   In order to cut around the clip plate you need to make several measurements and markings.  This is how I sort of how I did it. Keep in mind that I am not a logical person so this is probably not the easiest method....  All I can say is "Good Luck!"

Hopefully you will eventually end up with this!!

Working quickly, brush multi medium over the back of the patterned sheet and on top of the clipboard.

When sticking the paper to the clipboard, you have a bit of time to move the paper around so that you can get it into the position you want.

I use a plain sheet of paper over the patterned piece and the side of my bone folder to sort of 'squeegee' out any air bubbles.

Wait till the board is completely dry before taking off the string holding the clip open (or your clip might stick and tear the paper or leave an embossed mark like I did!).

Use a craft knife to trim off any excess paper.

Decorate with ribbon, wool or string......

And "voila" you have a cool altered clipboard!

Friday 17 February 2012

Crafty Crease #7: VTS 1 - Altered Can

Go from this plain can...
...to these cool pen & pencil holders!

I am particularly partial to the "Oak" brand because the insides of their cans are white.  I haven't tried to see if any other brands (besides Watties which are silver lined) have white inners.  If you know of any, please let me know!!

First, find an excuse to open a can!  We have this cool tupperware can opener that fortunately leaves no sharp edges, which makes this project even easier to get started.

Next, remove the label and clean off the bit of glue left on.

Cut a sheet of chosen scrapbook paper   23.5 cm x 10.5 cm.     

Put a strip of double sided tape on the wrong side of each 10.5 cm edge.

Stick one 10.5 cm edge to the can (I usually follow the line where the tin was joined together as a guide).

Pull the paper around the can and stick the other edge down.  You should not need to pull the paper tight.  Both edges should butt up together and not overlap (unlike the joins in the picture that have overlapped slightly!).

Use ribbon, die cut shapes and stamps to decorate the tin.  I also used the apple die cut seen above to stick on to pencils to give the set a more co ordinated look.  Foam tape has been utilised to give the accents some dimension.

I have learnt a new way to tie ribbon (also from Kerry's blog).  A simple double knot and a slanted cut edge still gives a 'bow' looking effect without wasting too much precious ribbon.  The angle of the 'bow' can be easily altered by the way you tie the first knot.  Most right handed people take the left strand over the top and then under the right strand.  Have a go of tying it the other way and see what you come up with!

In the next blog...      Altered Clipboard.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Crafty Crease #6: Vintage Teacher Stationery (VTS)

Jaime and Franny are good teacher friends of mine so I wanted to brighten their teacher desks to get their year off to a good start.  I think teachers need all the support they can get!

These ideas are not my own.  I got them from another blog, Kerrys Paper Crafts by searching through her craft fair gallery.  You should also have a squiz at her craft room - I am so jealous!!

Below is a picture of the two completed sets I gave the girls.  Each set consists of an altered can, pencils, clipboard and a notebook.

 So, over the next few days, I will highlight each part of the set and explain how I did them.

Vintage Teacher Stationery

Tuesday 14 February 2012

My Valentine

I can never get over how lucky I am to have Vaughan in my life.  I know its sounds sappy but with every passing year, I just love him more.

So my beloved, here are just 10 of the reasons I love you so much.  I love you because...
*you make me laugh a lot
*you like to snuggle in bed
*you show me how to be happy
*you let me get my way a lot
*you are patient when I am being difficult
*you love me just the way I am
*you make me think differently
*of the way you look after me
*you make everything alright
*with you its Valentines Day every day.

Crafty Crease #5: Mini Scrapbook Canvas Picture

A couple of years ago my friend Franny gave me these mini pictures as a christmas gift that she had made herself.  I absolutely love them and they hang above the head of a bed in the spare room. 

Kaisercraft Paper Collection called "Plush Empress"

Thanks Franny for the great gift!

I knew that I wanted to have a try at making these myself so after asking her how it is done, I am having a go and sharing with you too.

Supply list:
-3 sheets from the same collection
-3 x 4' square canvas 
-acrylic paint 
-multi medium paste (like modge podge) 
-paintbrush, pencil, scissors

Step 1: 
Use a piece of scrap card / board to make a template for the top of the canvas.
Use the canvas to draw around.  
Cut just inside the line.

Step 2:
Paint the sides of each canvas
Paint a narrow strip on top of the canvas (the paper will cover most of it)
Do the same underneath.
You will need 2-3 coats of paint.
I let the 1st and 2nd coat dry for only about 20 mins before putting the next coat on.  But I let the last coat dry completely (2-3 hours).
Paint used here: Kaisercolour in "Slate"
Step 3:
Use the template in step  1 to draw and cut out your covers from your chosen papers.
Paper used here: 
Kaisercraft "Blae & Ivy" Collection: 
(left to right)
Dew Drop , Meadow, Mystic Cove

Step 4:
Make sure the canvas is completely dry before doing this step. Do 1 cover at a time
Working quickly, coat the back of the cover and the top of the canvas with your multi medium paste.
Carefully arrange the cover on top of the canvas.  You should be able to 'slide' it around a little bit to get it in the correct place. Smooth over with your fingers to prevent air bubbles!!

Step 5:
When all 3 canvas's are dry, use your multi medium to paint a sealing coat over the whole canvas, including the top.  Brush strokes will show a little so brush carefully!

Multi medium used here: Claudine Hellmuth's 'Studio' in matte.

When this step is dry, they are ready to hang!