Sunday 12 February 2012

Farm Fare #1: Feeding Chicks

Baby chicks are so darn cute!!  And now I know where the term "Mother Hen" comes from.  Our Light Sussex mum is vigilant and fiercely protective.  She will peck at your gumboot if she thinks you're threatening her chicks!!

Baby chicks need feed that is different from an adult chicken.  Our chickens are fed with Pro Lay.  It contains all the stuff they need to promote good health and also includes stuff to improve healthy egg production.  The chicks are fed on a chick starter crumble.

Anyway, when the chicks and their mums were confined to the hatchery, feeding the chicks was easy.  However, when they were introduced to the general population, our other hens thought that they should have some too.  Why go all the way to the full feeding bin when you can push out the chicks and have their food to??

We were frustrated.  We needed to ensure that our chicks were getting enough food - we knew the hens weren't starving - but needed to figure out a way to keep the hens out.

Fortunately, my husband is a great problem solver.  He rummaged around for some bits and pieces and 'voila', a hen proof chick feeder was created!!  Its only temporary, but it works great.

You need: A long metal tray / shelf, four bricks and a container for the feed

I think it sits about 10 cm off the ground, with just enough room for the chicks to get to.  Put the feed tray in the middle at the back.  You can easily adjust it as they get bigger by raising it higher and using wood to create walls with a chick size door opening.

As you can see the other chickens 'try' their luck.  This Brown Shaver got as close as she could above the feed container and tried to stick her head through - without success!  Its hilarious trying to watch them stick their heads under with their bums in the air trying to wiggle in!

Don't feel sorry for them though.  These chickens are spoiled rotten.  Full feed bins, free range feeding over the farm and gardens and a daily bit of bread too!! They don't starve.

The Light Sussex mum stands guard.  She makes this funny call sound when she wants her chicks to come.  She will often 'gather' food around her for her chicks.

You often hear her call to them and then she gives them 'chicken' lessons like how to scratch for food, how to have a dust bath, etc...  It is amazing and amusing to watch them try and copy her.

A better view of the "Hen Proof Chick Feeder"

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